Advice – EMA Training Your Career. Our Priority. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:28:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advice – EMA Training 32 32 Navigating Your Child’s Career Path: The EMA Training Advantage in Multi-channel Marketing Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:27:49 +0000 As parents, guiding our children towards a fulfilling and successful career path is one of our key responsibilities. In the digital era, marketing stands out as a promising field, with opportunities for creative and ambitious minds.

EMA Training’s Multi-channel Marketer programme offers a unique and comprehensive approach to learning, particularly through its face-to-face training hub, distinguishing it from the predominantly online offerings of other institutions.

The Unmatched Value of In-Person Learning

In a landscape where digital dominates, EMA Training upholds the invaluable benefits of in-person learning. Our face-to-face training hub is not just a physical space but a dynamic learning environment where students interact directly with marketing professionals and make new relationships with like-minded peers. This direct engagement fosters a deeper, more nuanced understanding of marketing concepts, encourages lively discussions, and builds a supportive learning community.

A Holistic Educational Approach

EMA Training’s Multi-channel Marketer programme is  designed to include all facets of modern marketing. While digital is a big part of this comprehensive curriculum, the face-to-face delivery we offer at our training hub adds a vital dimension of the ‘personal touch,’ blending theoretical knowledge with practical, real-world scenarios’ and ensuring every single apprentice receives an engaged experience in a professional learning environment.

This balanced approach ensures that students are not just academically proficient but also industry-ready.

Cultivating Essential Skills

Beyond marketing techniques, our face-to-face delivery sessions emphasise the development of essential soft skills. Communication, teamwork, and critical thinking are at the heart of these interactions. These skills are crucial in any professional setting and are best nurtured in a collaborative, face-to-face environment. This approach not only builds professional competence but also instills confidence and adaptability in students.

Networking and Personalised Guidance

Our training hub serves as a bridge to the professional world. Students gain invaluable opportunities to network with industry experts and fellow aspiring marketers. These connections often lead to mentorship, internships, and opens the doors to future career opportunities. The personalised guidance and real-world insights provided by our experienced tutors are instrumental in shaping the professional outlook of our students.

A Future-Proof Career Foundation

Our Multi-channel Marketer programme is more than just an educational course; it’s a foundation for a future-proof career in marketing. The face-to-face training hub is a cornerstone of this journey, providing an immersive, interactive, and enriching learning experience that online courses simply cannot match.

Conclusion: A Step Towards a Brighter Future

As your child considers their next educational step, our Multi-channel Marketer programme stands out as a wise choice. The benefits of face-to-face learning, coupled with the unique advantages of our state of the art digital training hub, offers an unparalleled educational experience. It prepares apprentices not just for a job in marketing, but for a thriving, evolving career in a field that shapes the future of business and communication.

Explore multi-channel marketer with one of our experienced industry experts:  Sign up to one of our free webinar series happening on 27th November, right here.

Can’t make this session?  Why not fill out our online form (below) and one of our friendly EMA team will be in touch to offer you all the guidance and information you need.

Why Choose a Career in Multi-channel Marketing? Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:24:02 +0000 Starting out a career in multi-channel marketing offers a world of opportunities. To give you a real understanding of what it’s like, we’ve drawn insights from the experiences of individuals featured in some of our apprentice case studies. Their journeys in the marketing world provide a genuine and inspiring perspective to help you make that all important decision about your future.

Real Stories, Real Success

At EMA Training, we’ve seen firsthand how a career in multi-channel marketing can transform lives. Take, for example, the journey of Liberty, who started as an apprentice and has now carved a successful path in the industry. Lucy’s story highlights the practical skills and real-world experience gained through our programme

Louisa Hampson, Marketing Operations Lead at EMA Training, with 14 years of experience in the industry, including work with large commercial brands, shares her perspective: “In multi-channel marketing, you’re at the cutting edge of digital trends and strategies. Our apprentices gain not just skills but also a mindset to innovate and lead in this dynamic field, and we’re so excited to launch this course.”

The Apprentice Advantage

Our case studies reveal that starting as an apprentice in marketing offers a unique advantage.  Lucy, another EMA Training success story, reflects on how the apprenticeship provided a comprehensive understanding of the marketing landscape, setting a strong foundation for her career.

Making a Tangible Impact

The ability to see the results of your efforts is a key motivator in this field. Our Marketing Operations Lead, Louisa has a number of apprentices working in the marketing department, and comments on the impact to both the department and the apprentice:  “Working on projects that directly impact a brand’s success is not only rewarding but also a great learning experience. It’s about making a real difference and I have enjoyed seeing my apprentices grow in confidence with each new creative idea they bring to the table.”

Continuous Learning and Growth

The marketing world is ever-evolving, and our apprentices learn to adapt and grow continuously. This sentiment is echoed by Evie, a Content Creator Apprentice, who emphasises the importance of staying updated and embracing new challenges in her career journey.

Choosing a career in multi-channel marketing opens doors to a dynamic and fulfilling professional journey. The real-life stories from our apprentices at EMA Training underscore the practical skills, creative opportunities, and growth potential in this field. If you’re considering a path that combines innovation, strategy, and real-world impact, multi-channel marketing is an excellent choice.

We’re hosting a series of FREE webinars on 27th November!  Register for your place here and find out more about this brilliant new apprenticeship programme.

If you can’t make this date, why not fill out the below form to receive more information, and a member of our helpful team will be in touch with you.

A-Level Results Day 2022: Know your options Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:11:50 +0000 With results day 2022 right around the corner, we want to make sure you know your options after A-Levels so you can feel as prepared as you can be. We have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you feel less anxious about A-Level results day. Let’s go through the important ‘need-to-knows’ together…


When is A-level results day?

This year, A-Level Results Day is taking place on Thursday 18 August. UCAS will release the information on whether you have been accepted into your chosen universities at 8 am, but due to the high volume of results, you may not be able to access the information due to any lags. Your individual schools will notify you as to when you can collect your results.


What if I am unhappy with my A-level results?

If you find that you’re not too happy or even disappointed with you’re A-Level grades…


  • Know that it’s okay to feel that way, whether you’re frustrated, disappointed, or upset. Take however long you need to feel how you feel.
  • Don’t panic – whilst it sounds cheesy, it’s true – your grades don’t define you!
  • You have options after A-Levels! From clearing to starting an apprenticeship, there are more course options out there than you are probably aware of.

What are my options after A-levels?

If you have just received your results and they aren’t what you hoped, the good news is, that you have options after A-Levels to choose from.

Appeal your grades

It is possible to appeal your grades. You need to talk to your teacher and school to get in touch with the exam board of the exam result you would like to appeal.

The exam board will check your work and if anything is found your grade could potentially change. It’s important to note that this new grade could be higher or lower than your original grade.


‍Re-sit your A-Levels

There is always the option to re-sit your A-Levels if you feel like that’s something you would like to do. Have a conversation with your school and see what your options are.


Your university offer may still apply if you only missed your grades by a fraction. Make sure to keep track of any UCAS updates. You can also call UCAS on 0800 100 900.


UCAS Clearing

UCAS Clearing Clearing is how unis and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses. You can google universities that have clearing and see if any of their courses are of interest to you.


Have you thought about earning as you learn with an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are a fantastic option for any student. With so many course options to kickstart your career, you can:

  • Earn a wage whilst you learn
  • Gain real-world experience
  • Start a career in something you love

All whilst working towards an industry-recognised qualification. There are a lot of myths surrounding apprenticeships, often we can assume they are only for people interested in brick-laying, admin, labouring etc. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth!


With an apprenticeship, you can work towards your chosen career path. Choose from the list of apprenticeship courses below to read more about the courses and career paths:


If you would like to find out more about apprenticeships and where one could lead you:


Email or call 01332 371666 to speak with a member of our team



Find an apprenticeship on our vacancies page.


Our doors are open on Wednesday evenings. Why not come down to our innovative training hub, to see how you can kick start your career?


Click HERE to book your slot.

An image of EMA Training's open evening calendar

How can EMA Training help?


At EMA Training, we want to support you, in figuring out life after mainstream education. As an Apprenticeship Training Provider, we have a fantastic recruitment team who offer top-tier support, helping you navigate your chosen career as you take your first steps onto the career ladder.


Are you a parent/carer?


We can help you navigate the apprenticeship world and develop a better understanding of what an apprenticeship is, how it will benefit your child and what courses will suit what they are looking for.


Interested to find out more? Call 01332 371666 or email


Visit our IT, Digital, and Marketing Careers Fair on Friday 19th August. Doors open from 10am. Get your ticket


Why Talking Fixes, mental health sessions with the Will Garvey Trust Foundation Wed, 10 Aug 2022 11:46:27 +0000 EMA Training welcomed Joanna from The Will Garvey Trust Foundation into the Derby Training Hub to talk about mental health and suicide prevention.

Our Safeguarding Lead, Julie O’Callaghan, invited Joanna to come and speak to our apprentices to raise awareness of mental health. After learning about the Will Garvey Trust Foundation through a mutual friend, Julie shares more about how she found out about the Trust and why she felt it would be impactful for Joanna to visit our students below:

The collaboration with EMA Training Ltd and the Will Garvey Trust Foundation started as a conversation with a friend I do open water swimming with, as she is on the Board of Trustees for this wonderful local charity. When I first met Joanna it was very evident that the message of creating ‘Talking Communities’ would support the foundation that EMA has and continues to build with our staff and apprentices to understand more about mental health and creating a safe space to discuss all aspects including suicide.

Joanna joined us Monday to Thursday for an hour, leading a session on “Why Talking Fixes” to our learners. It was a powerful session where Joanna shared her own story, touching on the loss of her son through suicide and how important it is to talk to the people around you.

The sessions were incredibly impactful and following feedback forms, we found that 100% of the learners who attended found the sessions engaging and useful.

Following the last session, Joanna shared her thoughts on the week with the EMA Training learners:

Joanna from The Will Garvey Trust Foundation leading a session about mental health and suicide prevention.

Joanna leading a session.

What a joy it has been to spend this week with staff and students at EMA Training, delivering the first of a series of Wellbeing Workshops! The venue in Derby is perfectly suited, and the air conditioning was so much appreciated in the heat this week. I’d pay good money for the cups of tea too (need to know what tea bags they use)! There is a tangible sense of community about EMA and safeguarding is so well embedded that I’ve come away every day believing that the apprentices’ best interests really are at the heart of everything they do.

An average of 13 apprentices attended each session with encouragingly high levels of engagement across all four sessions.
The feedback has been extremely positive and we’ll be creating further workshops based on the needs identified in the anonymous survey completed at the end Julie and the rest of the staff team are great to work with – warm, encouraging, (and reassuringly, most of them know as much about technology as I do – (thanks to Michael for saving us) and absolutely believe that mental health and well being is a priority.
I’m really excited about the future and can’t wait to get started on planning the next workshops. Thanks for having me!

It has been a joy to have Joanna in for the week and we look forward to having her and the Trust again. As a Training Provider, we want to ensure we are providing our learners with all the resources to support them with their mental health and to help them support their own family and friends. Julie shares below her reflection on the week:

Last week was amazing to work with Joanna as she lead the mental health workshops face-to-face to staff, Accountancy, Digital Marketing and IT apprentices in the Derby digital hub. Sharing a lived experience is a very powerful way to build these talking communities, not only amongst EMA as a business but with family and friends. Joanna has shown me how talking and having somebody to listen to really helps early help/intervention to preventing suicide and supporting all mental health concerns. I feel very privileged to have witnessed Joanna in action and excited about this continued collaboration moving forward.

Julie presenting Joanna with flowers to say thank you for leading sessions on mental health and suicide prevention.

Julie presented Joanna with flowers to show EMA’s                                       appreciation for her time.


If you have been affected by anything in this blog post or would like to have a chat with Julie or our Safeguarding team about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to email or contact



5 ways to ensure you ace your first job interview! Fri, 28 May 2021 10:42:14 +0000 Here at EMA Training, we know just how daunting it can be to go to an Employer interview. Our Recruitment Team have put together their top tips to support you in feeling more confident when attending interviews. 

The Recruitment Team regularly support candidates in preparing for job interviews, through one-to-one support, group employability sessions, and more. The team

EMA's Recruitment Team, Abby and Hannah, smiling.

EMA’s Recruitment Team, Abby and Hannah.

have helped countless apprentices secure the positions they are now in and love. 


Our top 5 tips preparing for job interviews :


1.      Research the company 

Always do your research on the employer, this is a really important step. Look on the employer’s website and find out what they do, the product or service they deliver and the culture of the company. If you have questions about the workplace environment, culture, personality or values, be sure to ask during the inter

view. Remember that the interview is just as much about you finding the right fit for you. Follow the employer on social media, it will help you to understand the culture, project, products and services better. Try and find a recent achievement, have the business won an award, done something ‘above and beyond’. Familiarise yourself with the job description, this will give you a full understanding of what the role entails, and you’ll be able to articulate how your skills and experiences would make you effective in the role.

2.    Be prepared 

Find out where the employer is based. Is it near where you live? Can you travel by public transport? If you drive, is there parking? How long does the journey take? 

If your interview is taking place virtually, here are some tips- 

Test Your Technology. The minute you agree to a virtual interview, test your technology to ensure you’re set up for success. Check your internet connectivity, and confirm your camera and microphone are working.  

Set the Scene and Minimize Distractions. While testing your technology, determine where to take the interview. Find a room with optimal lighting, preferably near a window, or a blank wall to guarantee you’re the focal point of the conversation. Whether you sit on your living room couch or in your home office, tidy up your surroundings.  


3.    Practice your interview question answers 

Why do you want to secure your apprenticeship there? What is it about the company that you like? Why do you think you’re right for the role? What skills do you have that you believe will be beneficial to the employer? Make sure you match your skills and personal qualities to what the employer is looking for. It’s always best to build a rapport with the employer, elaborate on your answers, engage in conversation and be personable. 

4.    Ask questions 

At the end of the interview you may be asked if you have any questions. It’s always a good idea to have a few questions prepared! You may want to ask why they enjoy working here, what qualities do their most successful employees have, what are they looking for in a candidate, what are the next steps in the process? Ask them what opportunities are available for your personal progression within the business, are you replacing someone that has progressed within the business? Could you have the same opportunities if you show your capable? Do they have a busy period that you would be expected to avoid holidays? Why is it a ‘busy period’? What sort of training is involved? What is the office culture/social side like? 


5.    Look your best 

Always make sure that you are dressed smart, suited, and booted is best. Even for a virtual interview! After all, first impressions are really important. 


If you’re interested in an apprenticeship, hiring apprentice, or finding out more about apprenticeships in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Call 01332 371666



5 ways to boost your confidence as an Apprentice! Mon, 24 May 2021 14:45:30 +0000

How do you boost your confidence as an apprentice?

Confidence does not come naturally to everyone. The workplace can be intimidating, especially if you haven’t been in that job role for very long. Apprentices not only meet everyone in their new workplace but also the other apprentices on their course and the staff at their Training Provider. It is okay to be a bit anxious, but you do deserve to feel comfortable and confident. 

How do you boost your confidence as an apprenticeship Three EMA Apprentices, Rosie (left), Jess (middle) and Michael (right)

Three EMA Apprentices, Rosie (left), Jess (middle) ad Michael (right)

1.    Get chatting!

Get to know the people around you. If you feel nervous talking to your colleagues, start off with the ‘go to’ icebreaker questions, “How’s your day going?”, “How long have you been working here?”. If you feel comfortable doing so, build from there – create further conversation from the other person’s answers.

Why bother?
We’re not saying everyone you speak to at work will become your best friend, but by getting to know the people around you, it will be easier to start friendships and create great work relationships.

Get involved! As COVID rules are easing up more places are opening and allowing groups to attend. If your workplace go for drinks or food one evening, tag along! Try to be open to invitations even if it may seem a bit daunting. Seeing your colleagues outside of work can take the pressure off your shoulders to be professional. You can get to know what your colleagues are like outside the walls of work, and by building that different relationship with them, you will feel more comfortable in the workplace.

What about other apprentices?
Your Trainer will most likely do icebreakers to get to know their learners. The apprentices in your class are all doing the same course – you already have at least one thing in common! Going through your apprenticeship you will soon become chatty with your class; you will be able to support each other through the ups and downs of the working world as you have all taken that first step at the same time.

2.  Be honest!

When a colleague asks how you’re finding your job role or work in general, be honest. Explain how you’re feeling, you’re not alone in how you think, and you don’t deserve to be alone in working through any low self esteem or any other issues you may be facing.

Ask all the questions – don’t feel like you can’t speak up if you don’t know something. It’s better to ask and learn then stay in the dark and never find out!

If you feel uneasy about opening up to just anyone, find out who is the Safeguarding Officer in your company or Training Provider and turn to them. They are not only the best equipped to talk through how you’re feeling but you can trust that everything you share will stay confidential.

Here at EMA Training, our Safeguarding Officer, Julie is consistently working hard to ensure she can provide the most efficient support to any apprentice who needs it.

3.  Be you!

You should always be unapologetically you. We’re not saying ignore all the dress codes and say whatever you like whenever you like. However, you deserve to be the person you are. Confidence comes from within, but when you feel confident on the outside it can help your confidence in all scenarios.

Before you leave the house to go to work or to college, put some time aside for yourself. That could be to cook your favourite breakfast or take some more time on your appearance or to go for a quick walk. When someone feels uplifted, it’s noticeable, it makes a person come across as confident (even if they’re not). So, take time to do things that make you happy!


4.  Set goals!

Reaching a goal is always a great accomplishment. Whether the goals you set are one hundred percent work related or in your personal life – if you’re proud of yourself, you will gain more confidence.

Try setting realistic goals throughout your apprenticeship to not only track your progress but also to recognise your hard work. Here at EMA, we celebrate our apprentice’s success; your Trainer and Mentor will be there to support you in reaching your goals every step of the way.

5.  It’s not as serious as you think!

Professional doesn’t equal serious, don’t feel like you can’t be relaxed at your workplace. As long as you are meeting your targets and working hard, you shouldn’t stress too much about being so serious.

You have probably heard this one before, but it’s true – it’s okay to make mistakes. Try not to worry about saying the wrong thing or making the wrong decision, that’s the only way you will learn and grow. Your workplace and the people around you are probably not as serious as you think. At the end of the day, they are all people! Everyone has made mistakes, and by talking about them you can form connections with people as they help you through those mistakes.

By facing new challenges your confidence will start to build more and more. As you take on these challenges, make new mistakes and put yourself out there, you will grow into your role and as you grow, your confidence will also.

Here’s a few words from our own Safeguarding Officer, Julie, about how EMA ensures we are providing the best support we can offer. “Being the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), confidence building for Apprentices is paramount both professionally and personally. Therefore, we offer interventions to aid the wellbeing of our apprentices:

·       Help to build confidence for sitting exams

·       Communication with others verbally

·       Communicating using written media in a professional setting

·       One to one mindfulness (relaxation session) to title self-doubting

·       Strategies to use daily such as breathing techniques

·       ALS(Additional Learning Support)

EMA Training operates a very supportive environment with one-to-one mentoring, additional training sessions and continuous monitoring of progress in the workplace by closely working with employers. Therefore, the Apprentice is supported by ALL.”


If you’re struggling with your confidence and would like some support please talk to your Trainer or Mentor or contact Julie,

National Careers Week 2021 Sat, 06 Mar 2021 16:00:55 +0000 This National Careers Week, we wanted to take the opportunity to explore starting a career through an apprenticeship. We were able to sit down with Hollie, our Accountancy and Payroll Trainer and Mentor, and talk about her own career journey.

Hollie first joined EMA in 2015 when she started her level 2 AAT apprenticeship. After completing both level 2 and 3, whilst being EMA’s Accountancy Apprentice, Hollie took a big step in her career and went into a payroll position with a different company.

Absolutely loving the team that she worked with, Hollie gained great experience and found that she really enjoyed helping other apprentices around her. This, amongst other factors, drew Hollie to the career she is now in, an Apprentice Trainer and Mentor at EMA.

Becoming an Apprentice Trainer and Mentor isn’t the stereotypical route to take after completing an apprenticeship. Hollie has some great advice and insight to starting and building a great career through an apprenticeship! Read on to hear from Hollie:


What advice would you give to someone considering starting their career through an apprenticeship?

“I would recommend it 100%. Obviously for certain career paths university is necessary, but for the majority of vocational career paths, I think that apprenticeships are a fantastic alternative. I have been able to gain masses of work experience alongside a professional qualification. It’s allowed me to set myself up financially and gain lots of life and work experiences along the way.”


What are your top 3 tips for doing well in an apprenticeship?

Hollie Teaching.

EMA’s Accountancy Trainer and Mentor, Hollie, Teaching

“The most important thing for me was to observe my peers and get as much advice from them as possible. I would say that a lot of the traits that I hold in the workplace I’ve taken from my colleagues over the years.

Secondly, be strict with your studies and maximise your training time as much as possible. I had to tell myself that each week, I had a certain amount of time set aside to study and stick to it. If I was too relaxed with revision, it wouldn’t get done.

Thirdly, it’s okay to make mistakes. You’re not expected to know everything or get it right the first time, just be honest if you do make mistakes and learn from them – that’s why you’re on the apprenticeship.”


Becoming an Apprentice Trainer isn’t the stereotypical route to take after an apprenticeship, was there anything in particular that pushed you towards this decision?

“During my time at Pendragon, I soon realised that I missed the variety of my job as a trainer and the satisfaction it provided me, seeing my apprentices succeed and progress in their own careers. I was still in contact with Tracey at EMA, and we got talking about a new role she was recruiting for and I decided to go for it.”


A big takeaway from Hollie’s own career journey is to take the opportunities offered to you, you never know where it can lead you and the great experiences you will gain on the way!

If you would like to know more about starting your career through an apprenticeship, please get in contact with one of the EMA team! Our details are on our website or you can head over to our social media platforms and contact us through there.

If you’re an EMA apprentice and you would like to hear more about Hollie’s career journey, then head over to the EMAzing Culture Hub to listen to our most recent podcast!

How do you deal with stress? Part 2 Mon, 30 Nov 2020 16:07:03 +0000 This November the EMA team have been asking the question: How do you deal with stress? This blog is part 2 of how some of the EMA team deal with this and give their best advise and top tips surrounding this topic. Just like in part 1, no two team members do the exact same thing to destress. Within each bit of advice will be the team members name, if you would like to read more about any of the team members, feel free to head over to the ‘about us’ section on our website and scroll down to ‘meet the team’.

Does anyone else feel stressed when things are unorganised? That’s how James feels! He explained that one of his personal coping mechanisms for dealing with stress is to have a clear e-mail

EMA Training's COO smiling into a camera

EMA Training’s James

inbox. For him, having all e-mails actioned and moved into a completed folder, in addition to all notifications being read, feels great. Maybe that’s the answer – clear inbox, clear mind – who knew??

James did also share that he finds training at the gym beneficial as this gives an outlet to any stress and frustration – “the punch bag in particular!” – James

EMA’s Hollie

A lot of people turn to exercise to rid themselves of stress, but even the idea of a full workout can be overwhelming to think about. Hollie shared that during a time when she was feeling really bogged down with stress, she found that getting into a daily routine of going for a morning walk really helped. “I got myself in a routine of getting up an hour earlier every morning and taking myself to Shipley Park for a walk (no technology) which allowed me to think about my priorities for the day and massively helped me clear my mind.” – Hollie

No technology seems like a big task in today’s society and isn’t everyone’s answer to no stress. For Michael, he deals with stress by doing something

EMA's 1st Line Support Technician and Facilities Co-Ordinator

EMA’s Michael

that he knows will relax him; he shared that this could be something as simple as watching TV for 10 minutes or playing a video game. Michael finds that when he takes those 10 minutes, he has a different and more positive outlook on the situation. “Taking a step back from a stressful situation can allow you to return with a better approach.” – Michael.

A common answer for many people is to remove yourself from the situation. For Jess, she clarified that a change of scenery does is the answer. This can just be leaving the room for a bit and trying to leave whatever is causing that stress in that room also. It can help to think of stress as a physical thing that you don’t have to always carry with you, it’s not something that controls you, just something that you can and will overcome.
It’s important to recognise that it’s okay to feel upset when stressed, take the time to understand how you’re feeling. “There’s no shame in a good cry and talking to someone – you should never feel alone when going through a difficult time.” – Jess

EMA's Jess on laptop, smiling.

EMA’s Jess

Whatever it is that is pulling you down, we hope that one of the stories/ bits of advice above has helped. EMA will always put mental health on a pedestal, we want to make it clear that our team care about how our learners and other team members are doing and will always be around to help where we can.

Anti-Bullying Awareness – Gemma Orton Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:18:06 +0000

Anti-bullying awareness – Bullying has been a major issue for a long time; it can come in many forms and can have awful effects on the victims of bullying. During this month, November, the EMA team have been focusing on stress, what may be causing stress and how to deal with that stress. From the 16th to the 20th of November it is Anti-bullying Week, so we wanted to talk about the intense stress a bullying victim might go through. To do so, we reached out to Gemma Orton, the Managing Director of Mocha Marketing. Gemma experienced bullying during her time in school and has shared how she coped with the stress of being bullied and how that affected her mental health, as well as offering some advice to anyone who may be in a similar situation now.

1. How would you describe you coped with the stress of being bullied?

I didn’t deal with it very well at the time in all honesty, but I hope that by speaking about it now will help others to deal with it much better than what I did.

I unfortunately suffered with depression when I was a young teenager, around 14/15, and I visited a counsellor for around a year.  This experience taught me the importance of talking; something for which I have been an advocate of ever since.


2. If you could say something to yourself during that time, what would it be?

‘You are a beautiful person and so much better than what these people say about you’.

Largely because of the bullying, I had a very low self-esteem which followed me for years.

I don’t believe that many bullies really consider what they do to a person’s mental health – not just at the time, but later in life.


3. If you could say something to the bullies, what would you say?

I think that bullies have their own troubles and mental health challenges which drive them to take it out on others … so I would say that they need to have a think about what is going on in their own life which makes them want to be so mean.


4. In terms of how you deal with stress or anyone who is being cruel, how do you now deal with it, is it different to how you used to deal with it?

I would deal with it very differently to how I used to.  I think the biggest difference is that I now have the confidence to address the situation head-on, and 9 times out of 10, that will nip whatever is going on in the bud. Bullies are actually cowards and once confronted, tend to turn their focus elsewhere.


5. What advice would you give to someone who is dealing with extreme stress as a result of bullying?

I would strongly suggest that they speak about what is going on, with family, friends, professionals.  The more we share our problems and heartaches, the easier we will find it to deal with … the biggest hurdle is speaking out if it’s not something that comes naturally to that person – but if there’s something that I can promise, it really is that a problem shared is a problem halved.

Sharing isn’t always easy; we want to say a big thank you to Gemma for doing so!

If you’d like to hear Gemma talk about her experience head over to EMA’s LinkedIn page. We also want to highlight what Gemma spoke about; we strongly encourage you to speak out if you are a victim of bullying. If you are one of our learners, your mentors are there to be an aid to you, to listen and help you in any way they can. It’s important to remember you are not alone.

How do you deal with stress? Part 1 Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:13:32 +0000 November 20, 2020

No matter what you look like, what job you have, or what hobbies you’re into, there is something that connects everyone – emotion. Emotions can be great, who doesn’t love to feel happy or relaxed? Emotions can also be the worst; feeling sad, angry, or stressed can ruin your day. There’s no magic potion to ensure everyone feels happy all the time, the not-so-great emotions can definitely take over. When there’s no magic potion, sometimes the best thing to do is to ask the people around you for some advice about dealing with these bad emotions.

With this in mind, the EMA team have come together to answer one simple question. How do you deal with stress? The EMA family is full of different personalities, there’s not one answer for a question like this, some people have similar coping methods when it comes to stress but no two people doing the exact same thing. Within each bit of advice will be the team members name, if you would like to read more about any of the team members, feel free to head over to the ‘about us’ section on our website and scroll down to ‘meet the team’.

With all the advice the team offers, this blog would’ve been an extremely long read. Here’s part 1 of how the EMA team deal with stress.

How do the EMA team deal with stress?

Some people deal with stress very logically – yes, I feel like this, how can I overcome it – sort of reaction. Let’s jump into some of this advice.

Tracey explained that she normally gets stressed if there is something happening that she cannot control. When this happens, Tracey asks herself these four things:

1. What is causing me to be in this incontrollable situation?

2. How can I solve it?

3. Who can help me?

4. What is the worst outcome from the uncontrollable situation and the impact?

Tracey then tends to take ‘time out’ to go for a walk around and think about these four things. Once she has processed the above thoughts, she more than often finds a way forward and can make it happen! “Therefore, no more stress for little old me!!” – Tracey

How can stress make you feel?

Stress can make you feel alone, like no one else will understand the pressure you are feeling. Hearing actual stories about how others were in a similar situation and how they overcame that can help, by helping you not feel so alone in your stress.

Kerry shared that there was a point in her life where she had really bad anxiety and found herself getting stressed over the smallest things. This was the outcome of a lot of changes in her life and also a family member passing away. Kerry did seek help from a doctor and took some time off of work. This allowed her time to stop and think about how she was feeling and act accordingly.

“Stress can manifest itself physically in such ways as headaches and nervousness around others, you can al

so have changes in how you speak to people – become aggressive or more passive. Look out for these changes in yourself and others.” – Kerry

A common answer to relieving stress is the great outdoors. It’s not for everyone, but a breath of fresh air can do someone a world of good. Also, being realistic – understanding that you may not feel better straight away but you will get there.

As Rosie puts it, “dealing with stress can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a

A cold, frosty winters day in the country side, with the sun setting in the background. haystack”, but once you find something to help you overcome the overwhelming feeling that is stress, you’ll be on your way to finding that needle.

Rosie’s go to way to tackle stress is a good old winter’s walk with her dogs! She explained, there is no better feeling than fresh air hitting your face and filling your lungs when you are stressed. While increasing the levels of serotonin in our bodies, fresh air also helps to clear the mind too. Sometimes Rosie will listen to upbeat music along her walk, or sometimes it will be a podcast, other times she may just walk along and listen to the natural world around her.

“Whichever I choose, I don’t think I’ve ever not felt relieved from at least some of my stress after going for a walk.” – Rosie

Something that takes your mind away from what is causing your stress seems to be a go to move

when feeling overwhelmed. That doesn’t have to be a lot of time taken away from your day, sometimes just a minute or to will do the trick.

Jo shared that when she’s feeling stressed, she likes to practise a bit of mindfulness by looking out of the window and appreciating nature – the colours and textures, birds flying, the change in the trees and plants through the seasons and the antics of the squirrels that come into the garden.

If you do have that extra time, allow yourself to do something you enjoy! Jo often turns to doing some sewing, crocheting or other crafts that she needs to concentrate on and where she is producing something that gives pleasure when it is completed. “However, quite often it is the creating that gives the most enjoyment.” – Jo

How you handle your emotions will always be specific to you. We hope that reading some of the EMA team’s advice and stories has helped you, whether that be through offering a new way to deal with stress or just allowing you to realise that you’re not alone is these not so great emotions. EMA have and always will prioritise our learner’s and our team member’s feelings. It costs nothing to be kind, and if our kindness can ease anyone’s stress then it is definitely worth it!

Racism in the UK – why is it important to educate yourself? Thu, 29 Oct 2020 12:09:25 +0000 It’s important to understand what we are talking about when we discuss racism in the UK. The google definition of racism is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” To put that simply, racism is discriminating against someone, judging someone based on their ethnicity/the colour of their skin.

Why are we, a training provider, talking about racism in the UK? It’s so important to start conversations around topics such as racism because many people are under the false pretence that it is not an issue in the UK. We also think it’s important that we don’t leave anyone to assume our view on this topic; we want to make our opinion clear and heard. Here at EMA, you’re judged on attitude and hard work – a person’s appearance will never stop the EMA team from welcoming you into our Hub.

We also think it’s important be aware of the racism in the UK, and by learning and acknowledging it you can actively be unsupportive of it.

Let’s talk about the history of the UK. The recent history – we’ll look no further than the past 50 years. It’s important to know what the UK’s history is with racism to make sure we are continually overcoming it, not just sweeping it under the rug.

Police brutality is a term that has been in the news a lot recently, particularly news from America. When talking about racism within the police force many people make the error of assuming that because you hear a lot about America, the UK does not have the same issues. However, this is not true. It wasn’t until 1984 that the Police and Criminal Evidence Act was put forward which stated that the police must give a reason as to why they are stopping someone. Fast forward 30 years and it’s often reported that people feel they are targeted for stops for no reason other than being black. In 2019 The Guardian reported that “Black people in England and Wales are 40 times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched…”, this would be plausible if the majority of the UK’s population’s ethnicity is black, however, according to, only 3% of the UK’s population are Black British citizens. Following this data, it’s understandable why many people believe they are stopped because of the colour of their skin. It’s important to be aware of these kind of statistics in the UK to keep away from assuming that racially driven issues with the police is not only in America. The first step to minimizing an issue is being aware of it.

Black History Month was first made a fixture in the UK in October 1987 and has been celebrated during the month of October every year since. These days it isn’t always easy to find time to put aside to do that extra reading, to make sure you can be aware of every issue in the news. But Black History Month is that excuse to put that time aside and learn something new about Black History. The UK wouldn’t be what it is today without the British Empire, but everything about the British Empire needs to be taught. Britain was built on colonialism; in the name of the British Empire hundreds of people were forced from their homes, predominantly across Africa, many were killed. We need to face the realities of the UK’s history as the citizens who live here. It’s not recognised to the necessity it needs to be because the majority of the country is of white ethnicity. Britain is an inclusive country which has been built on the introduction of new cultures, because of this, there are many British citizens who aren’t represented through the history which our education system teaches us. It’s the downplayed issues such as racism that cause a heavy divide within the country. By putting the time aside to do 10 minutes reading into Black History, you’re putting 10 minutes aside to a more peaceful society.

This blog has only covered a few issues that the Black community has faced and still faces in the UK, but you can read so much more. It’s important to educate yourself when you have the time to do so, so you can understand other people’s culture/ learn more about your own culture. On our Instagram we will be creating a highlight which will underline important issues, like racism, and where you can go to read more.


Apprenticeships – From An Employer’s Perspective Mon, 12 Oct 2020 13:06:33 +0000 I had the pleasure of chatting with one of our employers, Joanna Saxton, the Marketing and Social Media Manager at Eden Tyres. We covered the general apprentice-employer queries, but I also got to find out a bit more about Joanna and the reasoning behind her decision in hiring an apprentice through EMA.

Joanna has been working at Eden Tyres for six years now, and the company has grown immensely. At the time she started, there were only eight or nine branches, this has now grown to eighteen branches! As you can imagine, when the company began to grow, so did the responsibilities within each role and the amount of work Joanna has had to handle. After some consideration, Joanna saw this as the perfect opportunity to hire someone who is willing to grow with the company and saw that hiring an apprentice would be somewhat of a “luxury” for her. This is the first apprentice for Eden Tyres, and Joanna described this as “perfect”, the apprentice will be filling a new role whilst also bringing something new to the department. It’s so important for an apprentice to fit in with the culture of a company and to feel like they can thrive in this new role. Joanna shared with me that she really does think that their new apprentice is in many ways, a perfect fit. One of Eden Tyres partners is Derby County, and their new apprentice is a big fan of Derby County (something that neither myself or Joanna could particularly relate to!); sometimes it is reassuring to both apprentice and employer that they have interests in the role that are not necessarily directly linked to their job description.

Many people feel the pressure to follow the direct path of primary school – secondary school – college – university – job. But it doesn’t always work out this way. It was so interesting to hear Joanna’s story on the route she found herself on, which has led her to the amazing role she is now in. After secondary education, Joanna didn’t jump straight to university but instead was met with an abundance of opportunities within the working world – and found herself working on cruise ships. A few years later, Joanna decided she wanted to let her creative juices flow and went to do an Art degree at Nottingham University, which she loved! After this, Joanna acquired herself a job that, on paper, was perfect. However, she found herself unhappy and knew that it wasn’t for her. A while later, Joanna became a receptionist at Eden Tyres and as time went by, she was able to work her way up in the company to where she is now, Marketing and Social Media Manager! This is a role which Joanna may not have ever thought she would be in, but truly loves and looks forward to each day of work.

Why did I make sure to ask Joanna this… why am I putting this for you to read? It’s so important for people – both apprentice and employer – to understand that there is no one path. If you do not feel like the traditional route is for you, you should not feel the pressure to follow that route. Something Joanna said which resonates with this, is that a lot of people assume “University solves everything, but it doesn’t”, for many people it is the perfect option and for those people they should go with their gut and go to university, and the exact same advice to those who feel differently – follow your gut! There’s no rule that you have to get it right, first try.

Talking specifically about digital marketing, I asked Joanna if she would suggest the apprenticeship route for anyone questioning a career in this industry. From her experience, Joanna explained that because digital marketing is such a fast-paced industry, an apprenticeship seems to be the “more effective” way to get involved in this trade. Building on this, she went on to say that because apprentices are learning on the job and learning at quite a quick pace, as the industry grows, so do they.

As this is Eden Tyres first apprentice hire, I was fascinated to see if Joanna had any advice for other employer’s debating whether to hire an apprentice. As an employer, you have “got nothing to lose”, Joanna further explained that she was pleasantly surprised with the standard of apprentice applications and think other employers will be also. Joanna suggested that employers should know what job role they want filling, the ins and outs, then with applications, the decision can be an easy one. For example, for the digital marketing role at Eden Tyres, Joanna explained that she is looking forward to having a young person’s input, as they have grown up in a digital era and will have fresh ideas on how to use various media platforms, which of course is a big part of digital marketing and makes them potentially a “huge asset”.

Picking the right training provider to work with is a big part of hiring the right apprentice and I wanted to know how Joanna found working with EMA. The big thing that Joanna stressed was how supportive EMA were, particularly our Chief Operating Officer, James Stafford, who shortlisted applicants for Eden Tyres and ensured that there was clear communication throughout the whole process. Joanna said that with the consistent communication and support, the process was an easy one.

If the apprenticeship route sounds appealing to you, or you would like to hear more about it, please contact us at or call us on 01332271666
