3 reasons why you should hire a Software Developer Apprentice

Digital Trainer, Admire, standing at the IT workbench.

If you’re looking to bridge the digital skills gap in your business, why not consider hiring a Software Developer Apprentice?

Here at EMA Training, we are dedicated to helping young people to excel in digital careers through apprenticeships.

UKNT reported that “81% of UK bosses say the digital skills gap is hurting business”.
There is no denying that the digital skills gap is having a negative impact on business performance.

High demand for Software Developer jobs has seen average salaries increase to a whopping £50,000 (according to Reed.co.uk) causing businesses to lose skilled staff due to competitive wage increases. As we struggle to retain experienced employees, even those fuelled by passion and an eagerness to learn, how can you bridge the skills gap in your business?

Attracting new talent or upskilling on our Software Development course is just one of the ways you can help your business bridge the digital skills gap. This article identifies the top benefits of hiring a Software Development Apprentice for your business so you can make an informed decision.

1. Futureproof your workforce by nurturing new digital talent

Hiring an apprentice into your team is a fantastic opportunity to mould a talented individual to suit your business needs. Not only does it create clear employee progression paths to aid with employee continuation planning, but it also supports your staff retention plans. One study found that a huge 85% of apprentices stay in employment, and 64% of these continue working with the same employer, (According to Simply Academy).

What kind of candidate can you expect?

Whilst no candidate is the same, we can guarantee this – a genuine interest in Software Development! The candidates that apply to EMA Training often have some impressive self-taught skills in their toolkit.

We have candidates who have:

  • Build out the front end of a website using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  • Coded the backend of a website using PHP.
  • Created small programmes using Python, as part of a computing/computer science course.
  • Altered code on a computer game.

We work with you to create a job description to meet your business needs and advertise your vacancy across our platforms. We provide suitable candidates that meet your needs and the candidate’s needs.

Software Developer Apprentice, George shared, “Thanks to EMA’s connections I have landed a software development apprenticeship at a company with opportunities to travel, great benefits, an inclusive team and the course is taught by a very knowledgeable teacher!”

An apprentice can be everything listed, and more, if you are ready to invest and are willing to make time to develop your apprentice. Apprentices receive training through government-funded apprenticeship programmes with professional certification programmes embedded giving them instant access to the digital world whilst you inject new skills into your business! You have the flexibility to choose the certifications your apprentices do to tailor to your individual business needs (more on this further down in this article).

2. Utilise Government-funding and reduce your National Insurance contributions to hire new talent or upskill existing team members

Did you know you can access government funding to hire an apprentice or upskill your existing team members? You may also be exempt from paying National Insurance Contributions for staff under the age of 25.

Our apprenticeship courses are led by industry experts and developed to equip apprentices with a range of skills to support their growth within their chosen industry. Our Software Development course is a fantastic example of this.

With detailed training, apprentices are consistently developing new skills which support them in the workplace. New learning is always in line with course requirements, and Trainers further personalise the learning to ensure it is relevant to the workplace which supports the apprentices to be able to take on responsibility confidently.

Our Software Development course is led through a blended approach, ensuring apprentices have the opportunity to attend EMA’s Digital Training Hub for hands-on, interactive training sessions, whilst also benefitting from the flexibility of remote learning through the innovative use of technology We truly value face-to-face training and believe it’s a brilliant way to engage apprentices and create an effective learning environment. We also embrace technology and flexibility, which is why our software training sessions are delivered partially online and partially from our Digital Training Hub.

Starting with ‘Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design’, the Software Development course covers in detail important modules that will aid an apprentice in consolidating new learning and support them in taking these new skills into the workplace. The course consists of five modules, all designed to suit the needs of the developing skillset of a Software Developer. These are:

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design
  • Introduction to Web Development
  • Introduction to OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Software Development Concepts
  • Database Design Concepts

Alongside these, your apprentice will receive training in line with the following certifications, further enhancing their software development knowledge.

This image shows the 6 IT certifications which are part of the Software Development course.1. Software development 2. HTML and CSS 3. Javascript 4. Python 5. Java 6. Databases

This image shows the 6 IT certifications which are part of the Software Development course.
1. Software development
2. HTML and CSS
3. Javascript
4. Python
5. Java
6. Databases


3. Attract new, innovative ideas to support business growth and succession plans

Attracting new talent to your business will bring in new ways of working and ideas, enabling you to innovate against your competition. Hiring a software developer apprentice will provide your Senior Developers the opportunity to pass down highly favoured skills and knowledge, allowing them time to further progress their own careers.

Investing in an software developer apprentice at little to no cost is a chance to better your business from the inside – out, it is an opportunity to introduce a clear succession plan to your team, enabling Senior members to develop their own teams.

How much time investment is required?

The apprenticeship duration is 15 months, and the line manager will be required to support the learner on a day-to-day basis and be available to attend review calls every 6-8 weeks.

Whilst there may be a productivity dip for the line manager initially, the business will benefit from being able to delegate the more menial duties to the apprentice once onboarded, freeing the line manager up to focus on more technical projects.

It is time to end the myth that apprentices are unskilled employees who will only eat up your spare time and resources. Apprentices bring new ideas, a developing skillset, and add value to a business. 86% of Employers say that apprentices helped to develop relevant skills for the organisation and to fill the digital skills gap.

Invest in your business, invest in an apprentice!

We are now enrolling our April Cohort, and we would hate for you to miss out.

  1. Read more about the Software Development course, and download the course brochure:


  1. Hear from our Employers:

Should you hire an apprentice | Derby City Council | EMA Training

What Employers want from an Apprentice & advice for future Employers

  1. Talk to a member of our team today for further information and advice:

Useful resources:






Posted by: JessicaTracey
Posted on: 13.03.2023
Posted in: Apprenticeships
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