Q&A – EMA Training https://www.ematraining.co.uk Your Career. Our Priority. Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:16:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/app/uploads/2022/11/MicrosoftTeams-image-39-150x150.png Q&A – EMA Training https://www.ematraining.co.uk 32 32 Employer Case Study – Harry Jones, Global Head of Recruitment & Talent at Bam Boom Cloud https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/employer-case-study-harry-jones-all-things-apprenticeships/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:06:32 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ The EMA Training team were fortunate to sit down with Harry, from Bam Boom Cloud, to talk all things apprenticeships.


Q1. Please introduce yourself, the company you work for and the nature of your business.

My name is Harry Jones, I am the Global Head of Recruitment and Talent at Bam Boom Cloud, based in Derby. We are a global tech company that provides Microsoft solutions to small to medium-sized businesses. The goal is to remove old IT headaches and provide them with systems and support along the way.

Q2. Please list the role of the apprentice(s) you have along with the name of their apprenticeship programme(s).

Our apprentice roles are:

Q3. Why did your business decide to employ an apprentice?

The decision to go down the apprenticeship route was all about building our next generation within Bam Boom Cloud. We wanted to upskill the team as soon as they step foot into the business and also give young people the chance to work in a thriving and growing environment, building careers for themselves.

Q4. What kind of skills do you look for in a candidate during an interview

I look for the drive and determination to want to build a career. If someone is passionate enough about their future, they will put in the time and effort when it comes to learning on the job. I also look for communication skills, the ability to talk over the phone and face-to-face is so important to the nature of this business so it’s key to possess that skill. Finally, someone who can have a laugh, we don’t interview formally here, it doesn’t fit our culture. We want to make sure that whoever we take on will be a great cultural fit for our team as well as the organisation. That’s why we always try to have a laid-back interview process to allow the apprentice to really come out of their shell.

Q5. What advice would you give to someone considering an apprenticeship within the industry you work in?

Keep learning. Within IT you can never stop learning. Digital software will always change so being able to proactively look at solutions no matter what the role is important to be successful in this industry.

Also, remember there will always be stepping stones when you first start out. Majority of the time you will start out as a junior support engineer. Don’t get disheartened as this is the way you learn the software and learn our customers. The progression will always be there for those who show determination to want to succeed. We have so many success stories from apprenticeships and can’t wait to make more.

Q6. What impact has an apprentice made on your company?

Not only have apprentices changed the dynamic of our company, but our digital marketer has also completely overhauled our social media, making it their own and being able to put Bam Boom Cloud on the map through different platforms.

Our support staff have shown what amazing customer service looks like, being nominated for awards within the apprenticeship customer support categories.

Not only that, but it makes the job of recruitment easier and more fun, working with apprentices, showing them the growth potential and watching them bloom into the next generation of senior members of staff is definitely a highlight of my role.

Q7. Why do you think apprenticeships are a good option for someone starting a new career?

For me, it’s a no-brainer. If I had the opportunity when I was younger to do it then I would definitely start out as an apprentice. You learn on the job, you are able to get into large organisations that will help you grow and succeed, all whilst being paid. No flaws to it in my eyes.

Q8. What advice would you give to another Employer considering hiring an apprentice?

Don’t expect experience. Recruit for culture fit rather than experience, as the personality of someone will definitely make it easier to mould that apprentice into a more senior position in the future. Also, before taking on apprentices, make sure there is a fully set up onboarding training plan and support system. Without this, the apprentices will be lost in the role and will struggle to really settle into the position.


If you’re interested in growing your team and hiring an apprentice, get in touch with our team:

📨 info@ematraining.co.uk
📞 01332 371666

Hear from other Employers:
Sarah, from Derby City Council, talks all things apprenticeships:

Neil, from Purpose Media, shares his experience and some great advice:

Should you hire an apprentice? | Derby City Council | EMA Training nonadult
A-Level Results Day 2022: Know your options https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/options-after-a-levels/ Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:11:50 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ With results day 2022 right around the corner, we want to make sure you know your options after A-Levels so you can feel as prepared as you can be. We have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you feel less anxious about A-Level results day. Let’s go through the important ‘need-to-knows’ together…


When is A-level results day?

This year, A-Level Results Day is taking place on Thursday 18 August. UCAS will release the information on whether you have been accepted into your chosen universities at 8 am, but due to the high volume of results, you may not be able to access the information due to any lags. Your individual schools will notify you as to when you can collect your results.


What if I am unhappy with my A-level results?

If you find that you’re not too happy or even disappointed with you’re A-Level grades…


  • Know that it’s okay to feel that way, whether you’re frustrated, disappointed, or upset. Take however long you need to feel how you feel.
  • Don’t panic – whilst it sounds cheesy, it’s true – your grades don’t define you!
  • You have options after A-Levels! From clearing to starting an apprenticeship, there are more course options out there than you are probably aware of.

What are my options after A-levels?

If you have just received your results and they aren’t what you hoped, the good news is, that you have options after A-Levels to choose from.

Appeal your grades

It is possible to appeal your grades. You need to talk to your teacher and school to get in touch with the exam board of the exam result you would like to appeal.

The exam board will check your work and if anything is found your grade could potentially change. It’s important to note that this new grade could be higher or lower than your original grade.


‍Re-sit your A-Levels

There is always the option to re-sit your A-Levels if you feel like that’s something you would like to do. Have a conversation with your school and see what your options are.


Your university offer may still apply if you only missed your grades by a fraction. Make sure to keep track of any UCAS updates. You can also call UCAS on 0800 100 900.


UCAS Clearing

UCAS Clearing Clearing is how unis and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses. You can google universities that have clearing and see if any of their courses are of interest to you.


Have you thought about earning as you learn with an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are a fantastic option for any student. With so many course options to kickstart your career, you can:

  • Earn a wage whilst you learn
  • Gain real-world experience
  • Start a career in something you love

All whilst working towards an industry-recognised qualification. There are a lot of myths surrounding apprenticeships, often we can assume they are only for people interested in brick-laying, admin, labouring etc. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth!


With an apprenticeship, you can work towards your chosen career path. Choose from the list of apprenticeship courses below to read more about the courses and career paths:


If you would like to find out more about apprenticeships and where one could lead you:


Email info@ematraining.co.uk or call 01332 371666 to speak with a member of our team



Find an apprenticeship on our vacancies page.


Our doors are open on Wednesday evenings. Why not come down to our innovative training hub, to see how you can kick start your career?


Click HERE to book your slot.

An image of EMA Training's open evening calendar

How can EMA Training help?


At EMA Training, we want to support you, in figuring out life after mainstream education. As an Apprenticeship Training Provider, we have a fantastic recruitment team who offer top-tier support, helping you navigate your chosen career as you take your first steps onto the career ladder.


Are you a parent/carer?


We can help you navigate the apprenticeship world and develop a better understanding of what an apprenticeship is, how it will benefit your child and what courses will suit what they are looking for.


Interested to find out more? Call 01332 371666 or email info@ematraining.co.uk


Visit our IT, Digital, and Marketing Careers Fair on Friday 19th August. Doors open from 10am. Get your ticket




What is it like to study a Digital Marketer apprenticeship? | Q&A with Lucy https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/studying-digital-marketer-apprenticeship-ema/ Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:52:14 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ Please introduce yourself and your job role.

My name is Lucy, I work at Cosy Direct and I’m a Marketing Executive, cosy direct is a resource, and provider, for early years and primary.

Why were you interested in a Digital Marketer apprenticeship?

I’ve always been interested in marketing, my auntie has done marketing and so I’ve learnt a lot from her, but I just felt like Uni wasn’t for me. I wanted to learn whilst earning and gain a qualification whilst learning on the job.

How did your soft skills progress during your apprenticeship?

I developed a lot of time management skills and I found that you’re given a lot of responsibilities, so you’ve just got to make sure you do it all at one time and prioritize things. My confidence, that’sEMA Apprentice Lucy being filmed about her Digital Marketer apprenticeship. definitely developed a lot by pushing forward ideas.

Taking responsibility – you’ll be given a lot of responsibilities during an apprenticeship. For me, I took over their social media so Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, running them on a daily basis as well as developing an App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy as well, which was really interesting to do.

How did your technical skills progress?

In terms of technical skills, I’ve learned a lot of different software and how to use them, for example, creative ones like Canva. With there being so many, I also looked at different scheduling tools, deciding which one best suited the company’s needs.

I’ve developed my analytical skills as well. I did this by looking at which of our social posts receive the most engagement. I would also keep track of how our app would be doing on the app store, looking where we rank, how many people have looked at our page, as well as other things.

If you would like to watch Lucy’s Q&A, head over to our YouTube channel.

Talk me through a day in your shoes as an apprentice when in the EMA Training Hub.

On a normal day in the Hub at EMA, we would come in, and have some social time, giving us the chance to catch up with the other apprentices on your course. Louisa would then present some slides to the class, introducing the particular knowledge module that we’d be learning that day.

Following a learning session, we would also take part in some quizzes to make sure everything sank in, and we had consolidated everything.

How would you describe the support you received during your apprenticeship?

Louisa was really helpful during my apprenticeship; whenever I had a question, she’d be there to answer it.

She was really supportive with the exams as well. They can be quite stressful at times, and Louisa would offer further support to us during the exam periods, making sure we knew everything and were managing any stress.

What advice would you give to anyone considering an apprenticeship?

My advice to someone considering starting an apprenticeship would be to just push yourself – there are so many out there, make sure to explore them all!

In any of your interviews, just go for it. They can be quite scary at times, but push yourself, have confidence and believe in yourself.


What is it like to be a Digital Marketer Apprentice at EMA Training? nonadult
National Careers Week 2021 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/national-careers-week-2021/ Sat, 06 Mar 2021 16:00:55 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ This National Careers Week, we wanted to take the opportunity to explore starting a career through an apprenticeship. We were able to sit down with Hollie, our Accountancy and Payroll Trainer and Mentor, and talk about her own career journey.

Hollie first joined EMA in 2015 when she started her level 2 AAT apprenticeship. After completing both level 2 and 3, whilst being EMA’s Accountancy Apprentice, Hollie took a big step in her career and went into a payroll position with a different company.

Absolutely loving the team that she worked with, Hollie gained great experience and found that she really enjoyed helping other apprentices around her. This, amongst other factors, drew Hollie to the career she is now in, an Apprentice Trainer and Mentor at EMA.

Becoming an Apprentice Trainer and Mentor isn’t the stereotypical route to take after completing an apprenticeship. Hollie has some great advice and insight to starting and building a great career through an apprenticeship! Read on to hear from Hollie:


What advice would you give to someone considering starting their career through an apprenticeship?

“I would recommend it 100%. Obviously for certain career paths university is necessary, but for the majority of vocational career paths, I think that apprenticeships are a fantastic alternative. I have been able to gain masses of work experience alongside a professional qualification. It’s allowed me to set myself up financially and gain lots of life and work experiences along the way.”


What are your top 3 tips for doing well in an apprenticeship?

Hollie Teaching.

EMA’s Accountancy Trainer and Mentor, Hollie, Teaching

“The most important thing for me was to observe my peers and get as much advice from them as possible. I would say that a lot of the traits that I hold in the workplace I’ve taken from my colleagues over the years.

Secondly, be strict with your studies and maximise your training time as much as possible. I had to tell myself that each week, I had a certain amount of time set aside to study and stick to it. If I was too relaxed with revision, it wouldn’t get done.

Thirdly, it’s okay to make mistakes. You’re not expected to know everything or get it right the first time, just be honest if you do make mistakes and learn from them – that’s why you’re on the apprenticeship.”


Becoming an Apprentice Trainer isn’t the stereotypical route to take after an apprenticeship, was there anything in particular that pushed you towards this decision?

“During my time at Pendragon, I soon realised that I missed the variety of my job as a trainer and the satisfaction it provided me, seeing my apprentices succeed and progress in their own careers. I was still in contact with Tracey at EMA, and we got talking about a new role she was recruiting for and I decided to go for it.”


A big takeaway from Hollie’s own career journey is to take the opportunities offered to you, you never know where it can lead you and the great experiences you will gain on the way!

If you would like to know more about starting your career through an apprenticeship, please get in contact with one of the EMA team! Our details are on our website or you can head over to our social media platforms and contact us through there.

If you’re an EMA apprentice and you would like to hear more about Hollie’s career journey, then head over to the EMAzing Culture Hub to listen to our most recent podcast!
