IA 100 Archives | International Adviser https://international-adviser.com/category/ia-100/ The leading website for IFAs who distribute international fund, life & banking products to high net worth individuals Fri, 05 Feb 2021 14:09:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://international-adviser.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ia-favicon-96x96.png IA 100 Archives | International Adviser https://international-adviser.com/category/ia-100/ 32 32 Managed Accounts for the Next Generation https://international-adviser.com/managed-accounts-for-the-next-generation/ Tue, 26 Nov 2019 11:16:24 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=31180 The greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind has begun. In the next three decades, $30 trillion in assets will move from one generation to the next in the US alone, and worldwide the figures are staggering. In our digital, 24/7-access world, this new generation of investors will see wealth creation through very different eyes. The old way of doing things won’t cut it anymore.

The platform landscape has evolved significantly over the past 25 years. In the early 1990s the Master Trust was the first platform structure to consolidate investment execution and reporting and simplify the investment experience. Next came wrap platforms, which facilitated broader investment choice (e.g. listed securities), broader overarching reporting across pensions and ordinary investment savings, lower investor costs, smoother fee collection and the introduction of model portfolio functionality.

While well intended, having model portfolios on wrap platforms starts to push administrative tasks out to advice businesses, negating some of the inherent efficiencies of wraps. One of the biggest offenders is the requirement for individual client consents for bulk investment changes.

Praemium enables the outsourcing of portfolio management and administration tasks via Separately Managed Accounts (SMA), which allow wealth managers to implement strategy changes across a number of client accounts simultaneously, reducing administration and ensuring all clients are treated equitably. SMAs have since become one of the fastest growing investment solutions worldwide due to the inherent efficiency, transparency and cost benefits for investors and efficiency gains for advice businesses.

Because of the obvious advantages, many wrap platforms have attempted to tack on SMAs. Unfortunately, the technology requirements for running non-unitised, actively managed discretionary investment portfolios are fundamentally different to wraps, which are essentially investment administration services.

All platforms are not the same. To provide investors and their advisers a great investment experience requires a truly next-generation investment platform, one that was built with Managed Accounts at its core. A great Managed Accounts platform will include: simple and consolidated reporting of all investment assets; broad investment choice with ease and flexibility to make changes; tailored solutions for every kind of investor; digital portals for advisers and investors; administrative accuracy and efficiency; and the benefit of platform scale in the form of very competitive fees at all levels.

For the past 18 months Praemium has been working on a program of client engagement that has translated into a major upgrade to our integrated Managed Accounts platform, which now includes Separately Managed Accounts and Individually Managed Accounts. Praemium is the next generation in platform technology.

For more information watch our video

The 4 Characteristics That Make a Great CEO https://international-adviser.com/the-4-characteristics-that-make-a-great-ceo-2/ Mon, 25 Nov 2019 13:38:29 +0000 https://ia.dev-lastwordmedia.com/?p=24315 It’s a 24/7 role, perhaps a way of life, and it’s certainly not for everyone. So, what are those special characteristics which, when combined, create the blueprint for a successful leader?


A CEO doesn’t just attend networking events, their entire life is one long networking event. Whether they are connecting with their staff, their customers, their suppliers or the world in general, they are consistently ‘on’. Opportunities are always out there and can be lost if you’re looking inwards. This doesn’t mean a CEO must be on a constant treadmill of ‘meeting and greeting’ – far from it, they’d never get anything done – but they’re always open to the possibility of connection.


A leader inspires and motivates others to take a journey. It’s not just about ambition within the confines of their own company or industry but also curiosity about and an understanding of how they fit into the wider world. Good CEOs will always surround themselves with an outstanding team. They will question everything they are told, dissect it down to the nub of the issue and see if they can rearrange what they have learned for the benefit of the company’s future.


If you don’t care, you don’t achieve. CEOs must be the beating heart of the company and, as such, no-one is more invested in making it succeed. It’s not enough to care, they must transmit their enthusiasm for the business to their management team, in the expectation that this cascades down throughout the workforce. On the other hand, passion for their cause often means CEOs tend to speak their mind, whether what they are saying is popular not.


A good CEO will tell you that decisions should never be made in a vacuum and that they listen and take advice from talented colleagues every day. That said, the leader of the company is never going to be led by the nose. They’re always willing to make that final call and, when called upon, the really tough decisions.

Managed accounts for the next generation https://international-adviser.com/managed-accounts-for-the-next-generation-2/ Mon, 25 Nov 2019 12:09:12 +0000 https://ia.dev-lastwordmedia.com/?p=24313 The greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind has begun. In the next three decades, $30 trillion in assets will move from one generation to the next in the US alone, and worldwide the figures are staggering. In our digital, 24/7-access world, this new generation of investors will see wealth creation through very different eyes. The old way of doing things won’t cut it anymore.

The platform landscape has evolved significantly over the past 25 years. In the early 1990s the Master Trust was the first platform structure to consolidate investment execution and reporting and simplify the investment experience. Next came wrap platforms, which facilitated broader investment choice (e.g. listed securities), broader overarching reporting across pensions and ordinary investment savings, lower investor costs, smoother fee collection and the introduction of model portfolio functionality.
While well intended, having model portfolios on wrap platforms starts to push administrative tasks out to advice businesses, negating some of the inherent efficiencies of wraps. One of the biggest offenders is the requirement for individual client consents for bulk investment changes.

Praemium enables the outsourcing of portfolio management and administration tasks via Separately Managed Accounts (SMA), which allow wealth managers to implement strategy changes across a number of client accounts simultaneously, reducing administration and ensuring all clients are treated equitably. SMAs have since become one of the fastest growing investment solutions worldwide due to the inherent efficiency, transparency and cost benefits for investors and efficiency gains for advice businesses.

Because of the obvious advantages, many wrap platforms have attempted to tack on SMAs. Unfortunately, the technology requirements for running non-unitised, actively managed discretionary investment portfolios are fundamentally different to wraps, which are essentially investment administration services.

All platforms are not the same. To provide investors and their advisers a great investment experience requires a truly next-generation investment platform, one that was built with Managed Accounts at its core. A great Managed Accounts platform will include: simple and consolidated reporting of all investment assets; broad investment choice with ease and flexibility to make changes; tailored solutions for every kind of investor; digital portals for advisers and investors; administrative accuracy and efficiency; and the benefit of platform scale in the form of very competitive fees at all levels.

For the past 18 months Praemium has been working on a program of client engagement that has translated into a major upgrade to our integrated Managed Accounts platform, which now includes Separately Managed Accounts and Individually Managed Accounts. Praemium is the next generation in platform technology.
For more information watch our video

Our Future as Quilter International https://international-adviser.com/our-future-as-quilter-international/ Mon, 25 Nov 2019 12:03:49 +0000 https://ia.dev-lastwordmedia.com/?p=24311 Part of the Quilter family since 2018, Old Mutual International will change its name to Quilter International in February 2020 to reflect the brand of our parent company, Quilter plc.

Old Mutual International was previously part of Old Mutual Wealth Management Limited and owned by Old Mutual plc. In 2018, Old Mutual Wealth Management Limited separated from Old Mutual plc, and became Quilter plc.

Quilter plc has been listed on the London and Johannesburg stock exchanges since 25 June 2018. Quilter is one of the leading providers of advice, investments and wealth management, both in the UK and internationally and, as at 30 September 2019, manages £118.7bn (U$145.8bn) of investments on behalf of over 900,000 customers.
Quilter is a brand that stands for quality, personal service and dependability; values that are at the heart of our business philosophy.


The very foundation of Quilter’s beliefs lies in the value of trusted face-to-face advice.
As Quilter International, we will continue to help advisers manage and grow their clients’ wealth; not just for their own future, but for their family and the generations to come. We will carry on giving advisers all the support and technical expertise they need to help them maximise opportunities for their clients, while supporting them in growing their business sustainably in ever-changing regulatory environments.


We are one of the few financial services providers to operate in multiple global markets, offering effective financial planning solutions for expatriates and local investors across the world including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Our presence in the highly-regulated and tax-efficient financial centres of Dublin and the Isle of Man means that clients can be confident that their interests are looked after. In the Isle of Man, we are one of the largest financial services employers. And with more than 35 years’ expertise in international markets and an enviable reputation for technical and product excellence, we are a major force in the offshore marketplace.

We put a customer-focused approach at the heart of our business. We recognise how important it is for customers to know that their financial interests are being taken care of. And we take huge pride in the part we play in helping them achieve their financial goals. We understand that each investor is an individual with unique needs and different objectives – whether that’s achieving greater tax-efficiency, saving for a future event, securing a regular income, or investing for a prosperous retirement.
Our change of name is a reassuring reminder that when clients invest with us, they can feel confident that their money is in safe hands.

THIS IS A TEST https://international-adviser.com/this-is-a-test/ Thu, 21 Nov 2019 11:35:17 +0000 https://ia.dev-lastwordmedia.com/?p=24306 rteheqthqtheth
