Employer – EMA Training https://www.ematraining.co.uk Your Career. Our Priority. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:06:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/app/uploads/2022/11/MicrosoftTeams-image-39-150x150.png Employer – EMA Training https://www.ematraining.co.uk 32 32 Investing in the Future: Why Your Company Needs Multi-channel Marketing Talent https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/investing-in-the-future-why-your-company-needs-multi-channel-marketing-talent/ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:06:08 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage – it’s a necessity. As an employer, one of the most strategic moves you can make is investing in multi-channel marketing talent. The Multi-channel Marketing Apprenticeship program offers a unique opportunity to do just that, preparing your company for the future of marketing.

The Evolving Digital Marketing Landscape

The digital marketing world is in a constant state of flux, with new channels, technologies, and consumer behaviors emerging regularly. This evolution demands a workforce that is not only skilled but also adaptable and forward-thinking. Multi-channel marketing apprentices bring fresh perspectives and are trained to navigate these changes effectively, keeping your business at the forefront of innovation.

Nurturing Young Talent: A Long-Term Investment

Investing in young talent through apprenticeships is more than just filling an immediate need – it’s about building the future of your company. These apprentices, equipped with the latest marketing techniques and digital know-how, grow alongside your business, adapting and contributing in ways that seasoned professionals might not. They are digital natives, innately understanding the online landscape, which is invaluable in today’s market.

The Competitive Edge of Multi-Channel Expertise

Multi-channel marketing is not just a buzzword; it’s a critical strategy for any business looking to thrive in the digital age. Apprentices trained in this discipline bring a holistic understanding of how different channels work together to create impactful campaigns. Their training in areas like SEO, content marketing, social media, and analytics equips them to contribute to a variety of marketing initiatives, offering a competitive edge to your business.

Cost-Effective Talent Development

Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to develop talent. They allow you to mould enthusiastic learners into the exact kind of professionals your company needs. In addition, apprentices often bring a level of loyalty and commitment to the company that invested in their early career, reducing turnover and recruitment costs in the long run.  If you factor in training and development costs of a regular employee in comparison with the government funded training apprentices receive (to the very highest quality, delivered by our industry experts) it’s no wonder that so many businesses, large and small, are starting to explore apprenticeship opportunities for their existing and potentiality new employers.

Staying Ahead in a Digital-First World

In a world where digital is no longer an option but a necessity, having a team skilled in multi-channel marketing is crucial. Apprentices bring not just skills but also a digital-first mindset, ensuring that your marketing strategies resonate with today’s consumers and stay relevant in the future.

Conclusion: A Strategic Move for Future Success

Investing in multi-channel marketing apprentices is a strategic decision that benefits your company in the present and prepares it for future challenges. By nurturing this young talent, you’re not just filling a gap in your workforce; you’re building a team capable of driving your business forward in the ever-changing digital landscape. The question isn’t whether your company needs multi-channel marketing talent; it’s whether you can afford not to have it.

Want to educate yourself about new our Multi-channel Marketing apprenticeship programme, launching on 11th December?  Come along to one of our series of webinars, happening on 27th November.  You can get your free tickets here.

Cant’ make this date?  Just fill in our handy online form, below and one of our friendly team will get back to you with all the information you need!

EMA Training scoop the Education and Business Partnerships Award for 2023! https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ema-training-scoop-the-education-and-business-partnerships-award-for-2023/ Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:47:13 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/

EMA Training: East Midlands Chamber award winners

At EMA Training, our recent recognitions – being named ‘Small Business of the Year 2022‘ last November and then receiving the ‘Education and Business Partnerships Award’ on Friday 10th November 2023– are moments of huge pride for our entire team. The whole team were absolutely blown away when the award was announced – the hard work and dedication over the last 11 months has been recognised within the East Midlands!

EMA training win award for 2023

EMA Training directors thrilled to receive award

Together We Achieve More

Our journey to these achievements has been a collaborative effort. We’ve focused on building strong relationships with candidates and employers in the East Midlands, fostering a community that benefits everyone involved. By connecting local talent with great businesses, we’ve opened doors to exciting career opportunities and contributed positively to our local economy. This collaborative spirit is at the heart of our achievements.

Acting with Integrity and Purpose

At EMA Training, we’re driven by a commitment to act with integrity and purpose. Our dedication to a people-centered culture and a high-quality curriculum has been recognized as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in personal development opportunities. These moments of recognition are a reflection of our commitment to meaningful and purposeful actions.

A Team Effort Filled with Dedication

The true strength of EMA Training lies in our team – a group of individuals united like a family. Together, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing exceptional service, inspiring and educating with hands-on learning in our modern hubs. Our trainers and mentors are industry experts in their fields, able to offer a wealth of ‘real life’ work experience to support young people not only through their apprenticeship, but beyond, as they forge their own career path.

Positively Influencing Lives

Our goal extends beyond education; it’s about positively influencing lives. By nurturing local talent, we’re helping to shape confident professionals who will contribute to our economy’s future. These moments of recognition are a testament to our commitment to making a real difference in the lives of our learners and the wider community.

A Culture of Unity and Togetherness

At EMA Training, we celebrate these moments not just as an organisation, but as a family. They are the result of the collective effort of every team member, who consistently goes the extra mile. Our culture is centered on celebrating our joint efforts and successes, having a ‘work hard, play harder’ mantra.

Looking Ahead with Appreciation

As we reflect on these achievements, we want to give our thanks to everyone who’s been part of our journey – our team, learners, employer clients and partners. These moments are as much yours as they are ours. Together, we’ll continue to strive for excellence, uphold our values, and make a lasting impact in the world of education and business.

If you’re considering an apprentice for your business, we’d love to hear from you.  We’re keen to partner up with more businesses in the East Midlands to help support the local economy, as well as building future leaders in the fields of IT, Digital, Marketing and Finance.


The Future is Now: EMA’s IT & Digital Careers Fair Set to Transform Tech Apprenticeships https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/the-future-is-now-emas-it-digital-careers-fair-set-to-transform-tech-apprenticeships/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 11:09:54 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ As technology careers continue to evolve at a breakneck pace, EMA’s Digital Training Hub is set to unveil the future of IT apprenticeships at our upcoming IT & Digital Careers Fair. This pivotal event, scheduled for Friday, 3rd November, from 1pm to 5pm in Derby City Centre, promises to be a gateway to the next generation of IT, Digital and Creative professionals.

Embark on a Journey of Digital Discovery

Prospective apprentices and innovative businesses are cordially invited to explore our diverse array of apprenticeship courses within the Digital, IT, and Creative sectors. From 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm, in scheduled time slots, EMA’s team of IT experts will showcase their new environment and state-of-the-art equipment.

Evolve with Cutting-Edge Education

The fair will spotlight EMA’s Work Simulated Environment—a groundbreaking approach designed to immerse IT apprentices in a real-world enterprise network. This hands-on experience ensures apprentices are not just prepared for the future but are actively shaping it.

A Curriculum Crafted for the Future

EMA’s evolved IT curriculum allows apprentices to work towards prestigious qualifications, including:

Creative and Marketing Mastery

Not only does our IT & Digital Careers Fair focus on IT careers, but it also shines a light on the creative side of digital technology. Attendees will have the chance to delve into Content Creation, Digital Marketing, and Marketing Executive courses, showcasing the fusion of tech-savviness and creativity.

From Apprentices to Advocates

Hear firsthand accounts from current apprentices who will share their experiences and the impact of EMA’s creative and digital courses on their careers. These stories will provide invaluable insights into the real-world benefits of joining our forward-thinking community.

Be Part of the Tech Evolution

EMA’s event is a call to action for those who refuse to be left behind in the technological dust—affectionately dubbed dinosaurs. It’s an invitation to step boldly into the modern world of tech, armed with the knowledge and skills offered by an evolved IT curriculum.

For further details, remember to grab your free ticket HERE and follow us on our socials for real-time updates if you can’t make this one.

Don’t let this transformative opportunity pass you by. Mark your calendar for 3rd November and be a part of the #ITEvolved movement at EMA’s Digital Training Hub.

What is an apprenticeship levy and how does it benefit you? https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/what-is-an-apprenticeship-levy-and-how-does-it-benefit-you/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 13:01:36 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ What is an Apprenticeship Levy?

All companies are seeking to optimise their recruitment cost and surely yours isn’t any different in that respect. A simple but effective way to help with this is to be conscious of an apprenticeship levy and know how you can use it to your advantage.

First things first, let’s get you up to speed with understanding what an apprenticeship levy is. In simple terms, an apprenticeship levy is a tax that is applied to fund apprenticeship training.

If your company’s annual pay bill is over £3 million, then 0.5% of wages over the 3 million threshold needs to be paid in taxes. This is a government scheme that was introduced in 2017 to try and incentivise companies to implement apprenticeships into their workforce. The main objectives for the apprenticeship implementation were to tackle youth unemployment levels and contribute towards the upskilling of current employees within an organisation. The benefit to the government here is a strengthened economy.

Even if you’ve not got the resources right now to afford the wages of new employees, then you could focus on consolidating and strengthening current employees within your hierarchy. By retraining and retaining them via an apprenticeship that’s based on upskilling, it would help to grow your company. Later down the line, this can help to put you in to a position where you have more resources to expand your workforce because of structural strengthening. We at EMA Training can help you to define and tailor a strategy to your company’s specific growth goals.

The 0.5% of the 3 million pay bill levy compounds and creates your own accumulated money pool which you can use to contribution towards your apprentices training costs. Companies who are above the threshold must contribute to the levy either way which therefore makes hiring an apprentice a no brainer! If you’re a large company, then you’re already contributing towards the cause, therefore why not reap the rewards?


Your financial pool rolls over and allows you two years to utilise it however if it’s not spent within this period, then the government will take it back on a monthly basis. This would be via a levy account which is basically a holding account between the government and your company.

For companies that are over this 3 million threshold, you can hire as many apprentices without incurring extra training costs granted that your levy account can accommodate this. For example, if your companies pay bill is 5 million then 0.5% of anything over 3 million (2 million surplus in this case) is available for you to use to pay for an apprentices training. 0.5% of 2 million is £10,000 therefore if the training expenses for the apprentice is £10,000, then you wouldn’t have to pay a 5% training contribution which in this instance would have equated to £500 if there wasn’t enough in the levy account.

Either way, £500 training fees for an apprentice that you can mould into your company’s own is an extraordinarily good deal. The best part about the apprenticeship levy is that the larger your annual pay is, the more apprentices basically pay for themselves. You could potentially hire or retrain many apprentices without experiencing any training related drawdown.

As for smaller companies, you’d be benefiting too because you’ll still be striking a great bargain even though you’re not obligated to pay the 0.5% levy. Whatever size your company is, you can still take advantage of the apprenticeship scheme!

Companies under the 3 million threshold incur slightly different charges depending on their specific situation. If your organisation employs less than 50 employees, then apprentices aged 16-18 will not incur you any extra charges regarding their training/ skill learning, your only financial obligation in this instance will be to pay them their apprentice wage. Still on the topic of companies with less than 50 employees, if your apprentice is aged 19 or over, then there would be a 5% training contribution, but the rest of the fees will pay funded by the government.

If you employ more than 50 people but are still under the 3 million threshold, then both 16-18 and 19+ year olds will require a 5% training contribution. Again, the government will fund the other 95% of the apprentices training fees.

After reading all the benefits above, it’s hard to not consider the idea of an apprentice in whichever format best suits your current needs. Even if there are training costs involved, they are minimal due to the contribution fees only being a maximum of 5%. Whether you’re a large-scale company or have less than 50 employees and whether you want to hire a new apprentice or retrain someone internally, you would be benefiting enormously.

For more details about apprenticeship levies or if you’re interested in hiring an apprentice/ retaining a current member of your team, feel free to enter your email address below and we’ll get back to you.

Best regards,

EMA Training

Employer Case Study – Harry Jones, Global Head of Recruitment & Talent at Bam Boom Cloud https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/employer-case-study-harry-jones-all-things-apprenticeships/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:06:32 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ The EMA Training team were fortunate to sit down with Harry, from Bam Boom Cloud, to talk all things apprenticeships.


Q1. Please introduce yourself, the company you work for and the nature of your business.

My name is Harry Jones, I am the Global Head of Recruitment and Talent at Bam Boom Cloud, based in Derby. We are a global tech company that provides Microsoft solutions to small to medium-sized businesses. The goal is to remove old IT headaches and provide them with systems and support along the way.

Q2. Please list the role of the apprentice(s) you have along with the name of their apprenticeship programme(s).

Our apprentice roles are:

Q3. Why did your business decide to employ an apprentice?

The decision to go down the apprenticeship route was all about building our next generation within Bam Boom Cloud. We wanted to upskill the team as soon as they step foot into the business and also give young people the chance to work in a thriving and growing environment, building careers for themselves.

Q4. What kind of skills do you look for in a candidate during an interview

I look for the drive and determination to want to build a career. If someone is passionate enough about their future, they will put in the time and effort when it comes to learning on the job. I also look for communication skills, the ability to talk over the phone and face-to-face is so important to the nature of this business so it’s key to possess that skill. Finally, someone who can have a laugh, we don’t interview formally here, it doesn’t fit our culture. We want to make sure that whoever we take on will be a great cultural fit for our team as well as the organisation. That’s why we always try to have a laid-back interview process to allow the apprentice to really come out of their shell.

Q5. What advice would you give to someone considering an apprenticeship within the industry you work in?

Keep learning. Within IT you can never stop learning. Digital software will always change so being able to proactively look at solutions no matter what the role is important to be successful in this industry.

Also, remember there will always be stepping stones when you first start out. Majority of the time you will start out as a junior support engineer. Don’t get disheartened as this is the way you learn the software and learn our customers. The progression will always be there for those who show determination to want to succeed. We have so many success stories from apprenticeships and can’t wait to make more.

Q6. What impact has an apprentice made on your company?

Not only have apprentices changed the dynamic of our company, but our digital marketer has also completely overhauled our social media, making it their own and being able to put Bam Boom Cloud on the map through different platforms.

Our support staff have shown what amazing customer service looks like, being nominated for awards within the apprenticeship customer support categories.

Not only that, but it makes the job of recruitment easier and more fun, working with apprentices, showing them the growth potential and watching them bloom into the next generation of senior members of staff is definitely a highlight of my role.

Q7. Why do you think apprenticeships are a good option for someone starting a new career?

For me, it’s a no-brainer. If I had the opportunity when I was younger to do it then I would definitely start out as an apprentice. You learn on the job, you are able to get into large organisations that will help you grow and succeed, all whilst being paid. No flaws to it in my eyes.

Q8. What advice would you give to another Employer considering hiring an apprentice?

Don’t expect experience. Recruit for culture fit rather than experience, as the personality of someone will definitely make it easier to mould that apprentice into a more senior position in the future. Also, before taking on apprentices, make sure there is a fully set up onboarding training plan and support system. Without this, the apprentices will be lost in the role and will struggle to really settle into the position.


If you’re interested in growing your team and hiring an apprentice, get in touch with our team:

📨 info@ematraining.co.uk
📞 01332 371666

Hear from other Employers:
Sarah, from Derby City Council, talks all things apprenticeships:

Neil, from Purpose Media, shares his experience and some great advice:

Should you hire an apprentice? | Derby City Council | EMA Training nonadult
Two Derbyshire based businesses are partnering together to promote growth and employment opportunities for young people wishing to pursue an apprenticeship https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/two-derbyshire-based-businesses-are-partnering-together-to-promote-growth-and-employment-opportunities-for-young-people-wishing-to-pursue-an-apprenticeship/ Mon, 12 Dec 2022 12:02:00 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ The two companies are marketing agency Purpose Media and apprenticeship providers EMA Training. Purpose Media has been using EMA Training for many years to meet their needs for IT and digital marketing apprentices and the latest partnership will see them combine skills to enable EMA to promote apprenticeship opportunities to the wider East Midlands market.

EMA Training’s Chief Executive Officer, Tracey Mosley, commented, “We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website ematraining.co.uk, in partnership with Purpose Media. As an East Midlands apprenticeship training provider, we work closely with local employers to ensure career employment opportunities are accessible. This would not be possible without the support of employers such as Purpose Media who, as one of our employer clients, provide guidance, employment, and progression opportunities to those starting their careers.”

Chloé Farmer, Head of Marketing said, “Our new, innovative website aims to inspire and guide school leavers, young professionals, parents, and employers. Purpose Media has provided us with an accessible and appealing platform to attract, inform and educate them about the benefits of apprenticeships. Even today we find that many people do not fully understand apprenticeship and our website aims to dispel the myths.

We believe in supporting apprentices to develop their careers at any given opportunity; EMA’s Marketing Assistant, Jess Tracey, has project managed the website from an EMA Training perspective as part of her Level 4 Marketing Executive apprenticeship, which has been fantastic for her career development!”

Grace Golden, Head of Client Growth from Purpose Media said “Over our 14-year company history, Purpose Media has a long track record of nurturing apprentices, in fact many are now in senior management roles. Co-incidentally, Ruby Birks, who has project managed the work for EMA training is a former apprentice who has recently won two apprentice of the year awards, so this shows how beneficial apprenticeships can be in kickstarting a career journey. We are delighted to be partnering further with EMA to create more employment opportunities for young people.”

Set up in 2013, EMA has become synonymous with high quality apprenticeship provision and outstanding customer service. Operating out of offices in both Derby and Nottingham, the firm places over 250 apprentices per year, and has supported over 200 businesses with their apprenticeship requirements since inception.

Purpose Media is an award-winning full-service agency focused on driving ROI through Digital, Web, Creative and Video. It has a track record of recruiting apprentices in order to provide young people with rewarding careers.

Why accountants are looking to integrate management systems https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/integrating-management-systems-ema/ Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:27 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ There are a number of reasons why accountancy firms and practitioners might want to combine and streamline their management systems.

Among the potential benefits are: having a single set of standards for the entire business, increased efficiency, potential cost savings, a higher level of security and a reduction in duplication and bureaucracy.

Another advantage of integrating management systems is that essential but repetitive tasks can be automated, freeing staff to add value to their interactions with clients and reduce human error. It can also enable real time data sharing to improve decision making, which is important for accountants who are advising clients about the overall financial health of their clients’ businesses.

If you are an SME or sole practitioner, and you want to increase the size of your business, a well-integrated management system can also help you scale up. It can also help with Making Tax Digital and provide a better customer service.

Adding value to your business

“Technology is increasingly enabling traditional, time-consuming tasks to be streamlined and automated, and we are seeing the accountancy profession transitioning towards strategic financial consulting for businesses,” says Will Farnell, Founder of Farnell Clarke and Consultant at Soldo.

“Larger and more specialist accountancy firms with enterprise-level clients will have already incorporated this sort of consultancy into their service offerings,” he says. “However, with the right use of technology and the right ‘digital’ mindset, smaller firms can now do this too.”

Not only does this benefit clients – who get more out of their relationships with accountants – but it also supports the business growth aspirations of these accountancy firms.

“It enables these firms to build and retain loyal customer relationships, as well aspire towards winning larger clients, and therefore stimulate increased revenue.”

Reducing human error

“Humans aren’t infallible,” says Darren Cran, COO of AccountsIQ. “Previous processes with non-integrated systems would have seen the manual movement of data from one system to another and potential rekeying errors.”

Integrating management systems enables accountants to reduce errors, gives them greater insight and visibility of performance and enables them to make decisions based on factual information.

“Through the Cloud and API technology it is now possible to integrate all systems (CRM, HR, Finance, Payroll) and have all the information in one place, to be able to interpret key financial information about the organisation,” he says.

Improving customer service

Many sources of information can be collated and can provide really useful, accurate and real-time business intelligence and financial information to a client, say Darren Cran.

“A lot of the routine work that accountants are used to doing will phase out over time as more and more automation comes in,” he says. “Then it will become more about advisory-based work. Accountants will need to fully embrace digital technology as that is what the new generation of businesses and people are used to.”

Will Farnell says integrating apps with core management systems will allow accountants to deliver live, meaningful financial data to clients from across a broad range of key areas.

“When you can compare and contrast data from a number of different sources, hidden issues are easier to uncover – and it’s often the case that the data itself can point to possible solutions,” he says. “Of course, this isn’t to say that the accountant plays no part; rather, the accountant becomes responsible for translating this data into meaningful actions that will benefit the client.”

Darren Cran says larger accountancy practices are moving with the times and are now setting up portals to enable their customers to view their real time financial position and underlying data.

Making your business more competitive

Automated and integrated systems can save time and money, says Darren Upson, VP Small Business Europe, Soldo. If you are charging by the hour, you can make your services more competitive if much of the administrative work is done automatically.

“The efficiency gains that a firm can make as a result of building a tightly integrated technology stack can’t be understated,” he says. “Many accounting actions completed manually can take twice as long as those completed using automation. Time-sapping tasks can be a huge issue, especially as many accountants work on either a time-based or fixed-fee billing system.  Why spend time on these tasks, when time could be spent on more valuable (and potentially more profitable) advisory work?”

Darren Cran says system alerts will help ensure any compliance deadlines are met, which are particularly important for accountancy practices in delivering great customer service, as well as being able to provide enhanced information about their own or their clients’ business.

Building a more consultative service

The interpretation of this wealth of data is something that humans can do, which machines and artificial intelligence cannot. That is where business relationships can be enhanced by technology.

“This is the approach accountants will need to take to build better client relationships and continue to add value,” says Will Farnell. “This consultative element of the profession isn’t necessarily new – but it is something that accountancy firms will now have more time to develop and today’s clients are demanding more of.”

Darren Upson of Soldo, says apps and systems can perform data management tasks more effectively, but they can’t (at least not yet) offer the deep level of analysis and strategic thinking that a human can.

“Understanding this difference is central to understanding the best way for accountants to work in tandem with technology,” he says. “A more efficient use of automation will also help accountants to counter the inevitable downward pressure in compliance fees.”

The next steps

“Becoming a ‘digital’, data-driven firm isn’t a quick and easy process,” says Will Farnell. “The integration of different accounting systems and apps can’t be done off the cuff – it needs to be planned very carefully, with input from all key stakeholders.”

This not only means seeking input from staff within the firm, but also from your existing clients and prospects. Accountants need to take the time gather this information and then use it to determine which individual apps and systems will complement and work best with each other – with the overarching aim of painting a better picture of financial health.

Future-proofing your career

With the rise of digitisation, technology has become of vital importance for accountants, says Marc Trup, Founder and CEO of Arthur Online.

Being proficient with business accounting software is a critical part of an accountant’s skill set, he says.

“Using software to manage their clients’ accounts can potentially benefit an accountant’s credibility and help expand their reach,” he says.

Both Xero and QuickBooks offer a marketplace area with a variety of integrated software designed to serve different purposes, giving accountants access to a wide range of apps that suit their business types.

“It’s more expensive and time-consuming to bring on board a new client than it is to retain an existing client,” he says. “So being able to offer your clients useful services and solutions they can’t get elsewhere will be a real benefit.”

Marianne Curphey is an award-winning financial writer and columnist, and author of the book How Money Works. She worked as City Editor at The Guardian, deputy editor of Guardian online, and has worked for The Times, Telegraph and BBC.

Tax relief on AAT membership for Apprentices https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/tax-relief-on-aat-membership-for-apprentices/ Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:00:35 +0000 https://www.ematraining.co.uk/blog/ February 11, 2021

HMRC has approved AAT’s students and professional members to claim tax relief on their annual membership subscription fees.

You can claim tax relief on your subscription if you must have membership to do your job or if it’s helpful for your work. You can’t claim tax back on:

Life membership subscriptions

* Fees or subscriptions you haven’t paid for yourself (eg if your employer or training provider has paid for them) or if you initially paid and were subsequently reimbursed by your employer

* Subscriptions for AAT Bookkeeping short qualifications

How to claim

If you’re not required to fill in a tax return, you can get tax relief for your allowable expenses by completing the P87 tax relief form online.

For more information, go to GOV.UK for appropriate forms and information regarding tax relief. Note that AAT currently appears as “Accounting Technicians Association of” on the approved list of professional organisations.
