5 mins with Archives | International Adviser https://international-adviser.com/tag/5-mins-with/ The leading website for IFAs who distribute international fund, life & banking products to high net worth individuals Thu, 11 Mar 2021 15:41:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://international-adviser.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ia-favicon-96x96.png 5 mins with Archives | International Adviser https://international-adviser.com/tag/5-mins-with/ 32 32 5 minutes with… Ashok Sardana https://international-adviser.com/5-minutes-with-ashok-sardana/ Thu, 03 Dec 2020 11:21:16 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=36586 This video series sees International Adviser chat with both long-standing figures and newcomers to find out what motivated them to join financial services and, importantly, why they have chosen to make a career out of it.

In the video above, Ashok Sardana talks about his incredible 43 years in industry and the important lessons he likes to teach his team and clients.

5 minutes with… Simon Willoughby https://international-adviser.com/5-minutes-with-simon-willoughby/ Thu, 01 Oct 2020 10:30:10 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=35506 This video series sees International Adviser chat with both long-standing figures and newcomers to find out what motivated them to join financial services and, importantly, why they have chosen to make a career out of it.

In the video above, Simon Willoughby talks about how he got started in the industry as an adviser and shares a story about a memorable incident involving a dog and his briefcase.

5 minutes with… Mike Webb https://international-adviser.com/5-minutes-with-mike-webb/ Thu, 17 Sep 2020 10:30:07 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=35509 This video series sees International Adviser chat with both long-standing figures and newcomers to find out what motivated them to join financial services and, importantly, why they have chosen to make a career out of it.

In the video above, Mike Webb talks about joining financial services after treading the boards as a stand-up comedian, how his law degree came in handy and the time he received a call from a client who was slightly concerned that her investment success might tempt her family to bump her off.

5 minutes with… Bob Pain https://international-adviser.com/5-minutes-with-bob-pain/ Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:44:02 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=35400 This video series sees International Adviser chat with both long-standing figures and newcomers to find out what motivated them to join financial services and, importantly, why they have chosen to make a career out of it.

In the video above, Bob Pain talks about his long and varied career in the international financial arena and shares the story which inspired this interview series.

5 minutes with… Sandra Robertson https://international-adviser.com/5-minutes-with-sandra-robertson/ Thu, 20 Aug 2020 10:57:47 +0000 https://international-adviser.com/?p=35123 This video series sees International Adviser chat with both long-standing figures and newcomers to find out what motivated them to join financial services and, importantly, why they have chosen to make a career out of it.

In the video above, Sandra Robertson talks about joining Momentum during lockdown and how manually working out retirement options for pensions and preparing cheques for death benefits showed her the peace of mind the industry can give to clients.
